
About Us


Pioneering the Future of Academia -Empowering Scholars to Catalyze Change, Drive Discovery, and Make a Lasting Impact on Global Research and Development


Our publishing arm is dedicated to curating and disseminating high-quality research across diverse academic fields. International indexing


Our commitment to international indexing ensures that your research reaches a wide audience, enhancing its impact and citation potential

Planning Academic Events

Engage with our platform to facilitate the organization of conferences, symposia, and workshops, fostering collaboration and knowledge exchange among scholars


Active Journals






Received Submissions


Empowering academic excellence by publishing high-quality, innovative research that contributes to the global academic community. We aim to amplify the impact of scholarly work and support the dissemination of knowledge across diverse fields.


Our plan revolves around creating a platform that champions inclusivity, supports emerging voices, and embraces interdisciplinary studies. We are dedicated to leveraging technological advancements to enhance accessibility and foster collaboration among researchers, authors, and readers worldwide.


Envisioning a future where academic publishing transcends boundaries, driving positive change and shaping intellectual discourse. We aspire to be a catalyst for innovation, promoting critical thinking and advancing discoveries that address societal challenges.


At the heart of our publishing ethos lies a commitment to nurturing academic integrity, ethical standards, and author-centric practices. We prioritize transparency, fairness, and the well-being of our contributors, ensuring their work receives the attention and respect it deserves.


How do I submit my work for publication?

We welcome submissions through our online submission portal. Please refer to our submission guidelines for specific details on formatting, scope, and the submission process. Our editorial team carefully evaluates each submission for its academic rigor, originality, and contribution to the field.

What is the peer-review process for submitted manuscripts?

All manuscripts undergo a rigorous peer-review process conducted by experts in the relevant field. This blind review ensures the highest academic standards are met. Authors receive feedback aimed at enhancing the quality and impact of their work before publication.

Are your publications open access or behind a paywall?

We offer a mix of open access and subscription-based publications. Our commitment to accessibility means that we strive to make research available to a wide audience while maintaining the sustainability of our publications. Explore our journals to find specific access information.

What measures do you take to ensure ethical publishing practices?

We adhere strictly to ethical publishing standards, including plagiarism checks, conflict of interest disclosures, and compliance with industry guidelines. Our commitment to integrity extends to authorship guidelines, data sharing, and maintaining confidentiality throughout the publication process.

How do I submit my work for publication?

We offer a mix of open access and subscription-based publications. Our commitment to accessibility means that we strive to make research available to a wide audience while maintaining the sustainability of our publications. Explore our journals to find specific access information.

How do I submit my work for publication?

We offer a mix of open access and subscription-based publications. Our commitment to accessibility means that we strive to make research available to a wide audience while maintaining the sustainability of our publications. Explore our journals to find specific access information.

We welcome submissions through our online submission portal. Please refer to our submission guidelines for specific details on formatting, scope, and

We welcome submissions through our online submission portal. Please refer to our submission guidelines for specific details on formatting, scope, and

Peer Review and Editorial Procedure

Peer review constitutes a pivotal facet of our publication process, acting as a cornerstone to uphold Sciences Force's unwavering commitment to maintaining the utmost quality standards for all published papers. Each manuscript submitted to our journals undergoes a meticulous and stringent peer-review process led by domain experts. Upon submission, our journal's Managing Editor initiates a comprehensive technical pre-check of the manuscript. Simultaneously, an invitation is extended to a qualified academic editor to conduct an editorial pre-check, propose potential reviewers, and make crucial decisions regarding the manuscript. Academic editors possess the authority to either progress with the peer review, reject a submission, or request revisions before initiating the formal review process. In instances where the peer review is set in motion, the Editorial Office orchestrates this stage, engaging independent experts to furnish a minimum of two comprehensive review reports per manuscript. Authors are then presented with constructive feedback and asked to incorporate necessary revisions, occasionally necessitating a subsequent round of peer review. The ultimate decision rests with an academic editor, typically the Editor-in-Chief, Editorial Board Member, or the Guest Editor of a Special Issue. Accepted manuscripts proceed through an internal process of copy-editing and English-editing to ensure coherence and adherence to language standards.

Reviewers’ Profile and Responsibilities

The role of a reviewer is pivotal and carries a significant responsibility in safeguarding the integrity of the scholarly record. Every reviewer is entrusted with the task of evaluating manuscripts in a timely, transparent, and ethical manner, aligning with the guidelines established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), which can be accessed at https://publicationethics.org/files/cope-ethical-guidelines-peer-reviewers-v2_0.pdf.

Reviewers’ Profile and Responsibilities

The role of a reviewer is pivotal and carries a significant responsibility in safeguarding the integrity of the scholarly record. Every reviewer is entrusted with the task of evaluating manuscripts in a timely, transparent, and ethical manner, aligning with the guidelines established by the Committee on Publication Ethics (COPE), which can be accessed at https://publicationethics.org/files/cope-ethical-guidelines-peer-reviewers-v2_0.pdf.


Sciences Force is an academic open access publisher based in Basel, Switzerland, and was initially founded in 2024 to collect and preserve rare chemical research samples. To support the samples project, Sciences Force started the Multicriteria Algorithms with Applications (MAWA) same year. Sciences Force is backed by collection of academic experts who support our mission, values, and commitment to providing high-quality service for our authors.