Research Article:
The Research Article Submission section of the Information Sciences with Applications (ISWA) Journal provides an exclusive platform for the presentation of original research contributions in the expansive field of information sciences and applications. Aligned with our commitment to advancing knowledge in this critical intersection, this section aims to provide a conduit for researchers to disseminate their groundbreaking work, offering novel insights and innovative findings that contribute to the forefront of information sciences and applications research.

Aim: The primary objective of the Research Article Submission section is to foster a dynamic intersection between information sciences and sustainable solutions in various domains. We encourage submissions from diverse information science approaches, spanning its broad range of applications in different fields. Our aim is to cultivate a rich repository of research that explores and proposes sustainable solutions, frameworks, methodologies, or applications within the information sciences landscape.
Authors are invited to submit manuscripts that exemplify excellence in original research, addressing the intricate balance between technological innovation and ethical considerations in information science. Whether proposing novel methodologies, frameworks, or applications, contributions to this section are anticipated to pave the way for a more sustainable and information-rich future.

In acknowledgment of the pivotal role played by software solutions in the field of information sciences and applications, the ISWA Journal proudly introduces a dedicated Software Section. This specialized segment is crafted to serve as a robust platform for the submission, evaluation, and dissemination of high-quality, peer-reviewed software solutions. The establishment of this section underscores our commitment to fostering the software movement within the information sciences and applications community.

Aim: The primary aim of the Software Section is to catalyze the development, sharing, and adoption of software solutions in the realm of information sciences and applications. We invite submissions that exemplify excellence in the implementation of non-trivial software solutions, the creation of toolboxes, or the development of programming languages explicitly designed for scientific computing. By providing a dedicated space for software contributions, ISWA seeks to play a pivotal role in advancing the accessibility and applicability of cutting-edge tools within the information sciences and applications landscape.

Authors are encouraged to submit software contributions that demonstrate innovation, functionality, and practical utility. Whether introducing novel algorithms, enhancing existing toolboxes, or creating specialized programming languages, contributions to this section are anticipated to contribute significantly to the software movement and foster collaboration within the information sciences and applications community.

Review Article:
The Review Article Submission section of the ISWA Journal is designed as a dedicated platform for the presentation of comprehensive and insightful reviews within the expansive field of information sciences and applications. This section seeks to provide a space for authors to deliver in-depth syntheses of existing knowledge, critical analyses of research, and valuable perspectives on significant aspects related to information sciences and applications.

Aim: The primary goal of the Review Article Submission section is to facilitate the dissemination of knowledge and foster a deeper understanding of information sciences and applications. We encourage submissions from experts across diverse domains who can contribute to a nuanced and balanced understanding of the field. Review articles in this section are anticipated to serve as essential resources for researchers, practitioners, and enthusiasts seeking a thorough overview of trends, challenges, and advancements in information sciences and applications.
Authors are invited to submit review articles that not only showcase a comprehensive grasp of existing literature but also provide critical insights and perspectives that enrich the discourse within the information sciences and applications community. By facilitating the exchange of knowledge and perspectives, ISWA aims to contribute to the continued growth and refinement of understanding in the dynamic field of information sciences and applications.

Mini Review:
The Mini Review Submission section of the ISWA Journal provides a specialized platform for authors to present concise and focused reviews on specific topics, subfields, or recent developments within the dynamic realm of information sciences and applications. Mini reviews within this section aim to deliver succinct, yet comprehensive overviews, offering readers a quick and insightful understanding of key concepts, challenges, and advancements in the field of information sciences and applications.

Aim: The primary goal of the Mini Review Submission section is to provide readers with accessible and informative condensed reviews that distill complex topics in information sciences and applications into easily digestible content. These succinct articles cater to readers seeking efficient and focused insights on specific aspects of information sciences and applications. By offering a collection of mini-reviews, ISWA aims to serve as a valuable resource for those looking to stay abreast of the latest developments and gain rapid insights into niche areas within the expansive landscape of information sciences and applications.
Authors are encouraged to submit mini-reviews that not only capture the essence of their chosen topics but also present information in a concise and engaging manner. This section aims to offer a balance between brevity and depth, ensuring that readers can quickly grasp key concepts without compromising the richness of the subject matter.

Data Article:
The Data Article Submission section of the ISWA Journal serves as a dedicated avenue for the dissemination and sharing of high-quality datasets crucial to advancements in the field of information sciences and applications. This section provides a platform for researchers and practitioners to contribute datasets that not only underpin original research but also support open-source software implementations, fostering reproducibility and collaboration within the broader scientific community.

Aim: The primary goal of the Data Article Submission section is to encourage the transparent sharing of datasets that are integral to information sciences and applications. We invite submissions from diverse information science fields, with a focus on datasets that hold significance for research in information sciences and applications. Authors are encouraged to provide detailed documentation, metadata, and potential use cases for their datasets, promoting transparency, reproducibility, and facilitating collaborative research in information sciences and applications.
Contributors to this section play a crucial role in advancing research by providing a foundation for experimentation and exploration. The shared datasets contribute to the collective knowledge of the scientific community, fostering an environment where reproducibility and collaboration are at the forefront of advancements in information sciences and applications.

The Correspondence Submission section of the ISWA Journal offers a dynamic platform for researchers, practitioners, and readers to actively engage in discussions, share valuable insights, and provide constructive feedback on articles, topics, and developments within the field of information sciences and applications. This section is crafted to foster open dialogue, encourage scholarly exchange, and promote the free flow of ideas among the journal's diverse readership.

Aim: The primary goal of the Correspondence Submission section is to facilitate robust communication and interaction within the information sciences and applications community. We welcome diverse submissions that encompass, but are not limited to:

Responses to Published Articles: Engage in constructive discussions by providing responses to published articles, furthering the discourse and expanding upon key insights.
In-depth Analyses: Submit detailed analyses that delve into specific aspects of information sciences and applications research, offering new perspectives and contributing to the ongoing scholarly dialogue.
Letters to the Editor: Share letters that address critical issues, propose new research directions, or highlight emerging trends within the field.
Technical Inquiries: Pose technical inquiries or seek clarification on methodologies, implementations, or findings presented in published articles, fostering a collaborative environment for knowledge exchange.

The Correspondence Submission section is an avenue for the community to actively participate in shaping the narrative of information sciences and applications research. Through meaningful exchanges, this section endeavors to enrich the scholarly discourse, strengthen connections within the community, and propel the field of information sciences and applications forward.

The Comments Submission section of the ISWA Journal provides an open platform for the expression of concise, insightful, and critical commentary on previously published articles or relevant developments within the expansive domain of information sciences and applications. This section is tailored to encourage discourse, share opinions, and offer perspectives that contribute to the ongoing conversation in the field.

Aim: The primary goal of the Comments Submission section is to facilitate a space for constructive discussions, reflections, and opinions related to specific articles, trends, or broader issues within the field of information sciences and applications. We invite contributors to share their insights, challenges, and alternative viewpoints, fostering a vibrant intellectual exchange that enriches the scholarly discourse in information sciences and applications.

All submissions to ISWA are expected to be original, adhere to high scholarly standards, and align with the journal's overarching focus on advances in information sciences and applications. Manuscripts submitted to this section will undergo a rigorous peer-review process to ensure the quality, scientific integrity, and relevance of the published commentary.
Authors are encouraged to actively engage with the content published in ISWA, providing valuable commentary that contributes to the continuous growth and refinement of knowledge within the dynamic field of information sciences and applications.