Single Valued Neutrosophic Sets for Assessment Quality of Suppliers under Uncertainty Environment

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Karam M. Sallam
Ali Wagdy Mohamed


Quality evaluation is crucial to guaranteeing the dependability and uniformity of suppliers' products, components, and services. An overview of important topics concerning the evaluation of supplier quality is presented in this study. The evaluation includes everything from product quality and regulatory compliance to production methods, delivery times, customer service, financial stability, and the supplier's general reputation. Businesses may build a robust supply chain, ensure customer happiness, and make educated choices regarding supplier agreements by carefully considering these factors. Considering a supplier's dedication to innovation, long-term relationship possibilities, and ongoing development is also essential to evaluating their quality. Decreased defects and recalls, increased operational efficiency, better brand perception, regulatory compliance, and reduced risk are all advantages of a thorough review. Businesses can stay ahead of the competition and provide consumers with better goods and services if they prioritize supplier quality inspections. We used multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) to deal with conflicting criteria in assessing the quality of suppliers. The neutrosophic set deals with uncertain information in the assessment process. The neutrosophic set is integrated with the MCDM method, such as the TOPSIS method. The TOPSIS method is used to rank the suppliers. We conducted this study at a drug company. We used 15 criteria and 20 suppliers. We conducted a sensitivity analysis to ensure the stability of the results.


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How to Cite
M. Sallam, K., & Mohamed, A. W. (2023). Single Valued Neutrosophic Sets for Assessment Quality of Suppliers under Uncertainty Environment. Multicriteria Algorithms With Applications, 1, 1-10.
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How to Cite

M. Sallam, K., & Mohamed, A. W. (2023). Single Valued Neutrosophic Sets for Assessment Quality of Suppliers under Uncertainty Environment. Multicriteria Algorithms With Applications, 1, 1-10.

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