Application of Secant Span in Medical Diagnosis

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R. Narmadhagnanam
A. Edward Samuel


Many common and specific characteristics engrave most diseases. Water-borne diseases differ slightly in their characteristics. Erroneous diagnoses can be attributed to shared characteristics. Current approaches tend to rely on imprecise diagnoses and lack robust techniques for differentiating between characteristics. Every illness also presents with specific symptoms. To assist doctors in approaching a likely diagnosis, the suggested method is successful in determining the connection between a class of sickness and the people with a specific pathology to the indications. Among n-valued interval neutrosophic sets, a secant span is proposed in this paper and a few of its attributes are talked about here. The idea behind the aforementioned approach is a crucial mechanism for addressing doubts as well as flaws in the current approaches. The application of medical diagnosis is explained to figure out the illness that the people are experiencing. The diagnosis's outcome demonstrated how successful the suggested strategy was. 


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How to Cite
Narmadhagnanam, R., & Samuel, A. E. (2024). Application of Secant Span in Medical Diagnosis. Neutrosophic Systems With Applications, 18, 40-45.
Research Articles

How to Cite

Narmadhagnanam, R., & Samuel, A. E. (2024). Application of Secant Span in Medical Diagnosis. Neutrosophic Systems With Applications, 18, 40-45.