Rough Fermatean Neutrosophic Sets and its Applications in Medical Diagnosis

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P. Dhanalakshmi


This paper introduces the concept of rough fermatean neutrosophic sets and investigates their properties. Additionally, a cosine similarity measure between these sets is proposed. By applying this measure to a medical diagnosis example, the paper illustrates how the method can be used in practical situations, highlighting its effectiveness in complex decision-making scenarios. This innovation holds promise for improving decision-making processes, especially in critical areas like medical diagnosis, where making accurate assessments amidst uncertainty is crucial. 



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How to Cite
Dhanalakshmi, P. . (2024). Rough Fermatean Neutrosophic Sets and its Applications in Medical Diagnosis. Neutrosophic Systems With Applications, 18, 31-39.
Research Articles

How to Cite

Dhanalakshmi, P. . (2024). Rough Fermatean Neutrosophic Sets and its Applications in Medical Diagnosis. Neutrosophic Systems With Applications, 18, 31-39.