Normed-Bifuzzy Valued-Ideals of Semigroups

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Mohammad Hamidi
Rasul Rasuli


As concerning the views of T norms and T conorms, the intent of article is to define and probe the fuzzy semigroups, fuzzy ideals, fuzzy bi-ideals, bifuzzy subsemigroups, bifuzzy ideals, bifuzzy bi-ideals, fuzzy (1, 2)-ideals and bifuzzy (1, 2)-ideals in any given semigroup. Also, we indicate and study their basic properties of them in completely regular semigroups. Finally, we extend these concepts and so characterize (pre)image of them in semigroup homomorphisms. 


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How to Cite
Hamidi, M., & Rasuli, R. (2024). Normed-Bifuzzy Valued-Ideals of Semigroups. Neutrosophic Systems With Applications, 20, 45-66.
Research Articles

How to Cite

Hamidi, M., & Rasuli, R. (2024). Normed-Bifuzzy Valued-Ideals of Semigroups. Neutrosophic Systems With Applications, 20, 45-66.