Neutrosophic Model for Measuring and Evaluating the Role of Digital Transformation in Improving Sustainable Performance Using the Balanced Scorecard in Egyptian Universities

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A. A. Salama
Osama Mohamed Mobarez
Mohamed Hamed Elfar
Rafif Alhabib


This paper proposes a neutrosophic model for measuring and evaluating the role of digital transformation in improving sustainable performance using the balanced scorecard in Egyptian universities. The model takes into account uncertainty, ambiguity, and incompleteness in the data. The model first calculates the neutrosophic measures of digital transformation and sustainable performance for each university. Then, it uses neutrosophic logic to evaluate the causal relationship between digital transformation and sustainable performance. The results of the analysis can used to identify the digital transformation indicators that have the greatest impact on sustainable performance. This information can then be used to develop strategies for improving sustainable performance by investing in digital transformation. The neutrosophic model was applied to measure and evaluate the role of digital transformation in improving sustainable performance using the balanced scorecard in some Egyptian universities. The results showed that the percentage of courses offered online and the percentage of students using digital learning platforms were the two digital transformation indicators that had the greatest impact on sustainable performance. The neutrosophic model is a powerful tool that can be used to measure and evaluate the role of digital transformation in improving sustainable performance in Egyptian universities, taking into account uncertainty, ambiguity, and incompleteness in the data.


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How to Cite
Salama , A. A., Mobarez, O. M., Elfar, M. H., & Alhabib, R. (2024). Neutrosophic Model for Measuring and Evaluating the Role of Digital Transformation in Improving Sustainable Performance Using the Balanced Scorecard in Egyptian Universities. Neutrosophic Systems With Applications, 21, 1-24.
Research Articles
Author Biography

Osama Mohamed Mobarez, Department of Business Administration, International Academy for Engineering & Media, Egypt


How to Cite

Salama , A. A., Mobarez, O. M., Elfar, M. H., & Alhabib, R. (2024). Neutrosophic Model for Measuring and Evaluating the Role of Digital Transformation in Improving Sustainable Performance Using the Balanced Scorecard in Egyptian Universities. Neutrosophic Systems With Applications, 21, 1-24.