Three Novel Approaches to Deep Space: Interstellar Travel that Transcend the Limitations Imposed by the Rocket Equation

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Victor Christianto
Florentin Smarandache


At the time of writing this abstract, we read about Betelgeuse star has exploded in the last few days. While there are various explanations and interpretations on how that event would have impacted this Earth’s inhabitants, our interpretation asserts that there are several chains of stars that act to lock this Earth to the 3D realm, and the exploded Betelgeuse star can be considered as a signal from heaven that we, all Earth inhabitants, are allowed to be elevated to 5D consciousness and to explore the Deep Space beyond this solar system. Therefore, in the present paper, it is considered three novel approaches to Deep Space / interstellar travel that transcend the limitations imposed by the Tsiolkovsky rocket equation. Among other things, we explore the possibility of utilizing macro quantum tunneling as an alternative propulsion method. By inducing a state of quantum coherence in a macroscopic object, it is theorized that it could tunnel through barriers, bypassing the need for conventional propulsion systems. Furthermore, we investigate the potential role of spin supercurrents in facilitating this process. The paper delves into the theoretical underpinnings of macroquantum tunneling and spin supercurrents, discussing the challenges and opportunities associated with their application to space travel.


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Three Novel Approaches to Deep Space: Interstellar Travel that Transcend the Limitations Imposed by the Rocket Equation. (2024). Systems Assessment and Engineering Management, 2, 1-10.
Original Articles

How to Cite

Three Novel Approaches to Deep Space: Interstellar Travel that Transcend the Limitations Imposed by the Rocket Equation. (2024). Systems Assessment and Engineering Management, 2, 1-10.

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