Climate Change Reports (CCR) journal, affiliated with Sciences Force Publisher, stands at the forefront of climate science, offering a comprehensive platform for researchers, authors, and reviewers engaged in the exploration of climate change and its profound implications.

Open Access Commitment: CCR journal is dedicated to the principles of open access, ensuring unrestricted access to valuable research findings. Our commitment is rooted in the belief that widespread access to climate change knowledge is crucial for global awareness and collaborative solutions.

Focus and Scope: At CCR, we embrace a broad and interdisciplinary approach, covering a diverse spectrum of topics related to climate change. From scientific research on climate patterns and environmental impacts to socio-economic analyses and policy recommendations, CCR strives to encapsulate the multifaceted dimensions of climate change. We invite submissions that contribute to understanding, mitigation, and adaptation to climate change.

Copyright Notice: Authors publishing with CCR retain the copyright to their work. Articles are published under an open-access Creative Commons CC BY 4.0 license. This licensing model encourages the unrestricted use, distribution, and reproduction of the published material, with proper attribution to the original work.

Sponsorship Disclosure: In adherence to principles of transparency and editorial independence, CCR discloses any sponsorships or funding sources associated with the journal. Our commitment is to maintain integrity and ensure that the content we publish remains free from external influence.

Privacy Statement: Respecting user privacy is paramount at CCR. The journal adheres to the privacy policy set by Sciences Force Publisher, ensuring secure and confidential handling of user data. This commitment extends to all interactions within the journal platform, fostering trust-based relationships with our users.

Inclusive Environment: CCR journal welcomes diverse perspectives from researchers, policymakers, and practitioners, fostering an inclusive environment. Our editorial board, comprised of esteemed experts, and a robust peer-review process ensure the highest standards of quality in every published article.