Assessment and Ranking Ecological and Water Resources of Climate Change under Fuzzy Decision Making Model

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Mahmoud Awad
Mohamed Abouhawwash
H. N. Agiza


This paper suggested a decision-making model for evaluating and raking the ecological and water resources under climate change. The environmental and water resources have different criteria, so multi-criteria decision-making (MCDM) is used to deal with conflict criteria. The MCDM methodology integrated with the fuzzy sets to deal with uncertainty and vague information. The weights of the requirements are computed by the average method. The VIKOR method is used to rank the alternatives. This study used 11 criteria and 10 alternatives. The results show that alternative 10 is the best and alternative 2 is the worst. The sensitivity analysis was conducted in two parts; in the first part, the criteria weights are changed into 12 cases, and then the rank of alternatives is computed to show the stability of the results. The value of v in the VIKOR method is changed in the second part, and then the rank of alternatives is computed. The results show that the rank of other options is stable in different cases.


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How to Cite
Awad, M., Abouhawwash, M., & Agiza, H. N. (2024). Assessment and Ranking Ecological and Water Resources of Climate Change under Fuzzy Decision Making Model. Climate Change Reports, 1, 70-78.
Original Articles

How to Cite

Awad, M., Abouhawwash, M., & Agiza, H. N. (2024). Assessment and Ranking Ecological and Water Resources of Climate Change under Fuzzy Decision Making Model. Climate Change Reports, 1, 70-78.

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