Converting Some Zero-One Neutrosophic Nonlinear Programming Problems into Zero-One Neutrosophic Linear Programming Problems

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Maissam Jdid
Florentin Smarandache


The science of operations research is the applied aspect of mathematics and one of the most important modern sciences that is concerned with practical issues and meets the desire and request of decision makers to obtain ideal decisions through the methods it presents that are appropriate for all issues, such as linear programming, nonlinear programming, dynamic programming, integer programming, etc. The basic essence of this science is to build mathematical models consisting of an objective function and constraints. In these models, the objective function is a maximization function or a minimization function for a specific quantity. This quantity depends on a number of decision variables that may be independent of each other or related to each other. Through a set of constraints, we obtain values for these variables by solving the mathematical model that we obtain. Given the great importance of operations research methods, we have in previous research presented a neutrosophic vision for some of these methods, such as neutrosophic linear models, neutrosophic nonlinear models, dynamic programming, neutrosophic programming with binary integers, etc. In this research, we present a neutrosophical study of some of the procedures used to convert some zero-one neutrosophic nonlinear programming problems into zero-one neutrosophic linear programming problems.


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How to Cite
Jdid, M., & Smarandache, F. (2024). Converting Some Zero-One Neutrosophic Nonlinear Programming Problems into Zero-One Neutrosophic Linear Programming Problems. Neutrosophic Optimization and Intelligent Systems, 1, 39-45.
Original Articles

How to Cite

Jdid, M., & Smarandache, F. (2024). Converting Some Zero-One Neutrosophic Nonlinear Programming Problems into Zero-One Neutrosophic Linear Programming Problems. Neutrosophic Optimization and Intelligent Systems, 1, 39-45.