


Sciences Force is a distinguished publisher committed to advancing scholarly knowledge through open access journals. Our journals uphold a rigorous and swift peer-reviewed manuscript handling and editorial process, providing authors with an efficient avenue to share their work under an open access license. Indexed in leading databases, our journals boast a broad readership, making them an ideal platform for researchers seeking widespread visibility. As a trailblazing open access publisher, our core mission is to democratize access to new research findings. We cater to a diverse global community of scholars, embracing backgrounds from various disciplines. Our commitment to diversity and inclusivity extends beyond words, as we actively strive to create journals that reflect the richness of the research communities we serve. By fostering diversity, we believe we can establish an equitable and inclusive work environment, crucial for promoting the openness inherent in our mission. From our inception, Sciences Force has thrived on the daily exchange of ideas between different perspectives, mirroring a commitment to diversity that goes beyond regional boundaries. Recognizing that true diversity goes further, we are dedicated to narrowing the gap between the global North and South, ensuring equal opportunities for individuals irrespective of race, color, sex, gender identity, sexual orientation, age, religion, country of origin, physical ability, or socio-economic status. Discrimination based on any of these characteristics has no place in our vision for a more inclusive and collaborative scholarly landscape. Navigating the publication process can be a complex endeavor, and at Sciences Force, we are committed to supporting our authors at every step. To facilitate a seamless experience, we provide a range of useful resources designed to empower authors and enhance the quality of their submissions.

  • Submission Guidelines and Templates: Access comprehensive guidelines and templates to assist in the preparation and formatting of your manuscript. These resources ensure that your submission aligns with our standards and accelerates the review process. Manuscript
  • Preparation Tips: Find insightful tips on structuring and presenting your manuscript effectively. From crafting a compelling abstract to refining your writing style, these resources are tailored to help authors optimize the impact of their work.
  • Ethical Writing and Citation Guides: Upholding ethical standards is paramount in scholarly writing. Our resources include guides on proper citation practices, avoiding plagiarism, and addressing ethical considerations, ensuring the integrity of your research.
  • Peer Review Insights: Gain a deeper understanding of the peer review process with resources that demystify the criteria used for evaluation. These insights empower authors to strengthen their submissions and engage constructively with reviewer feedback.
  • Open Access Publishing Information: Learn about the benefits of open access publishing and the associated policies. Our resources provide clarity on publication fees, copyright considerations, and how open access enhances the visibility and impact of your research.
  • Author Support Services: Explore the range of support services available to authors, including assistance with technical issues, queries related to the submission process, and guidance on navigating post-publication promotion.

Authors’ Interpretations for Open Access

In the context of open access for both authors and readers, the concept entails:

  • Unrestricted access to scholarly content, eliminating the need for subscriptions or financial barriers.
  • Instantaneous availability of articles upon publication, without any waiting period or embargo.
  • Authors retaining full copyright control, eliminating any mandatory transfer agreements.
  • Authorization for the reuse of published materials granted, provided proper accreditation is given, adhering to the Creative Commons Attribution License.

General Peer-Review and Editorial Procedure

At Sciences Force, we adhere to a rigorous and thorough peer-review process for all manuscripts submitted to our journals, encompassing research and review articles, spontaneous submissions, and invited papers. Upon manuscript submission, the Managing Editor conducts a technical pre-check to assess its suitability. Subsequently, the academic editor is informed of the submission and invited to conduct an editorial precheck. Our Editorial Office orchestrates an impartial peer-review process facilitated by independent experts, ensuring a minimum of two review reports per manuscript. In our commitment to transparency, authors are provided access to a preliminary version of the reviewers' reports through the Sciences Force platform. This enables authors to monitor the progress of the peer-review in real-time, including the content and the number of collected reviewer reports. Authors are advised to withhold from making revisions until the full editorial assessment is complete and an official notification is received from the Editorial Office, as the preliminary reviewer reports have not undergone academic editor scrutiny. We encourage authors to submit adequate revisions, with the possibility of a second round of peer-review if necessary, before a final decision is rendered. The ultimate decision is made by the academic editor, typically the Editor-in-Chief/Editorial Board Member of a journal or the Guest Editor of a Special Issue. Accepted articles undergo copy-editing and English editing as part of the finalization process.

Editorial Decision and Revision

At Sciences Force, we uphold a meticulous editorial decision and revision process for all articles, reviews, and communications submitted to our journals. Each submission undergoes the peer-review process, ensuring a minimum of two review reports. The inhouse editor collaborates closely with the external academic editor at each stage of the process, communicating decisions to authors based on the following outcomes:

  • Accept in Present Form: The paper is accepted without any further changes.
  • Accept after Minor Revisions: In principle, the paper is accepted pending revision based on reviewer comments. Authors are allotted five days for minor revisions.
  • Reconsider after Major Revisions: Manuscript acceptance is contingent on substantial revisions. Authors are required to provide a point-by-point response or a rebuttal if certain reviewer comments cannot be addressed. Normally, up to two rounds of major revision per manuscript are provided. Authors are requested to resubmit the revised paper within ten days, and the updated version is sent back to the reviewer for further comments. If the anticipated revision time exceeds 2 months, authors are recommended to withdraw their manuscript before resubmission to avoid undue time pressure and ensure comprehensive revisions.
  • Reject and Encourage Resubmission: Articles requiring additional experiments to support conclusions will be rejected. Authors are encouraged to resubmit the paper once further experiments have been conducted.
  • Reject: Manuscripts with serious flaws, making no original contribution, are rejected with no opportunity for resubmission to the journal.

This comprehensive editorial decision and revision process aim to maintain the high standards of our journals and ensure the integrity and quality of published content.