Neutrosophic SuperHyper Bi-Topological Spaces: Extra Topics

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Huda E. Khalid
Gonca Durmaz Güngör
Muslim A. Noah Zainal


This manuscript holds the integral concepts presented by the previously published article called (Neutrosophic SuperHyper Bi-Topological Spaces). This essay contains new definitions related to the notion of SuperHyper Bi-Topological Spaces, such as SuperHyper Supra closure operator, the pairwise neutrosophic interior of the power set Pn1(x), three cascade numerical examples demonstrate the NSHBI-TS, pairwise neutrosophic nth-power sets in (τ11ndpair, τ22ndpair,Pn(x)), as well as extra definitions, theorems, corollaries, and propositions.


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How to Cite
Khalid, H. E., Güngör, G. D., & Zainal, M. A. N. (2024). Neutrosophic SuperHyper Bi-Topological Spaces: Extra Topics. Neutrosophic Optimization and Intelligent Systems, 2, 43-55.
Original Articles

How to Cite

Khalid, H. E., Güngör, G. D., & Zainal, M. A. N. (2024). Neutrosophic SuperHyper Bi-Topological Spaces: Extra Topics. Neutrosophic Optimization and Intelligent Systems, 2, 43-55.