The Sustainable Machine Intelligence Journal (SMIJ) invites the submission of the following types of papers:

Research Article

The Research Article Submission section of SMIJ welcomes original research contributions in the field of sustainable machine intelligence. This section aims to provide a platform for researchers to share their innovative work, novel findings, and insights related to sustainable approaches in machine intelligence. We encourage submissions from a wide range of disciplines, including but not limited to machine learning, artificial intelligence, computer science, environmental science, and sustainability studies, as long as they contribute to the overarching goal of advancing sustainable machine intelligence.

Aim: The primary goal of this section is to foster and disseminate research that addresses the intersection of machine intelligence and sustainability. We seek contributions that explore and propose sustainable solutions, frameworks, methodologies, or applications within the machine intelligence domain.



In recognition of the increasing importance of open source tools and software in the field of machine learning, SMIJ is pleased to introduce a dedicated section for open source software submissions. This section aims to provide a platform for the collection and dissemination of high-quality, peer-reviewed machine learning software, thus contributing to the growth of the open source movement in the field.

Aim: The primary goal of this special section is to facilitate the development, sharing, and adoption of open source software related to machine learning. We encourage submissions that involve the implementation of non-trivial machine learning algorithms, development of toolboxes, or even the creation of programming languages specifically designed for scientific computing.

Review Article

The Review Article Submission section of SMIJ aims to provide a platform for comprehensive and insightful reviews of topics and trends in the field of sustainable machine intelligence. Review articles in this section should synthesize existing knowledge, provide critical analyses of research, and offer valuable perspectives on important aspects related to sustainable machine intelligence. We welcome submissions from experts in various domains who can provide a deep and balanced understanding of the field.

Aim: The primary goal of this section is to facilitate the dissemination of knowledge and foster a deeper understanding of sustainable machine intelligence.


Mini Review

The Mini-Review Submission section of SMIJ provides a platform for concise and focused reviews of specific topics, subfields, or recent developments in the realm of sustainable machine intelligence. Mini-reviews aim to deliver succinct, yet comprehensive overviews of selected subjects, offering readers a quick and insightful understanding of key concepts, challenges, and advancements within the field. These succinct articles cater to readers seeking condensed knowledge on specific aspects of sustainable machine intelligence.

Aim: The primary goal of this section is to offer readers accessible and informative mini-reviews that distill complex topics in sustainable machine intelligence into easily digestible content.


Data Article

The Data Article Submission section of SMIJ serves as a specialized avenue for the dissemination and sharing of high-quality datasets that are integral to advancements in sustainable machine intelligence. This section provides a platform for researchers and practitioners to contribute datasets that underpin original research, open-source software implementations, and foster reproducibility within the broader scientific community. We invite submissions from diverse disciplines, including machine learning, artificial intelligence, computer science, environmental science, and sustainability studies, with a focus on datasets that hold significance for sustainable machine intelligence research.


Aim: The primary goal of this section is to encourage the transparent sharing of datasets crucial for sustainable machine intelligence endeavors. We seek contributions that provide detailed documentation, metadata, and potential use cases for the datasets, promoting reproducibility and facilitating collaborative research in the intersection of machine intelligence and sustainability.


The Correspondence Submission section of SMIJ provides a platform for researchers, practitioners, and readers to engage in discussions, share insights, and provide feedback on articles, topics, and developments related to sustainable machine intelligence. This section aims to foster open dialogue, encourage scholarly exchange, and promote the exchange of ideas among the journal's readership.

Aim: The primary goal of this section is to facilitate communication and interaction within the sustainable machine intelligence community. We welcome submissions that include, but are not limited to:


The Comment Submission section of SMIJ serves as an open platform for concise, insightful, and critical commentary on previously published articles or relevant developments within the domain of sustainable machine intelligence. This section aims to encourage discourse, share opinions, and offer perspectives that contribute to the ongoing conversation in the field.

Aim: The primary goal of this section is to facilitate a space for constructive discussions, reflections, and opinions related to specific articles, trends, or broader issues within sustainable machine intelligence.

All submissions to SMIJ should be original, adhere to high scholarly standards, and align with the journal's focus on sustainable machine intelligence. Manuscripts will undergo a rigorous peer-review process to ensure the quality, scientific integrity, and relevance of published articles.