Information Sciences with Applications (ISWA) Journal is unwaveringly committed to open-access principles, aiming to facilitate the broad dissemination of scholarly knowledge in the field of information sciences and applications. Our policies are meticulously designed to maximize accessibility, transparency, and the ethical use of published content, all while upholding the highest standards of academic rigor and integrity.

Publication Ethics and Integrity:
Publisher and Editor Commitment: ISWA Journal's Publisher and Editor prioritize the integrity of scholarly work. We are dedicated to transparency and accountability, pledging support for the publication of corrections, clarifications, retractions, and apologies whenever necessary to maintain the integrity and accuracy of the scientific record.

Open Access Publication:
Immediate Accessibility: All research articles published in ISWA Journal are fully open access, available for immediate reading, downloading, and sharing upon publication. These articles are released under the terms of a Creative Commons license (CC), permitting widespread use, distribution, and reproduction in any medium, provided proper citation of the original work.

Originality Assurance: All submitted manuscripts undergo a thorough similarity check using iThenticate, a trusted software, to ensure their originality. Subsequently, manuscripts undergo rigorous peer review by an international panel of expert reviewers to uphold the quality and integrity of published content.

Rights and Licensing:
Author and Copyright Holder Rights: The author(s) and copyright holder(s) grant all users an irrevocable, worldwide, perpetual right of access to and a license to copy, use, distribute, transmit, and publicly display the work. Users are also granted the right to create derivative works in any digital medium for responsible purposes, subject to appropriate attribution of authorship and the right to create a limited number of printed copies for personal use.

Archiving and Repository Deposition:
Immediate Repository Deposits: A complete version of each published work, along with supplementary materials and permission statements, is deposited immediately after initial publication in at least one online repository supported by academic institutions, scholarly societies, governmental agencies, or other reputable organizations dedicated to fostering open access, unhindered distribution, interoperability, and long-term archiving.

Promotion of Open Access Values:
ISWA Journal actively advocates for and promotes open-access values by encouraging collaboration with repositories, institutions, and organizations dedicated to fostering open access, making scholarly research widely available, and ensuring its preservation for future generations.

Continual Review and Improvement:
This open-access policy is subject to continual review and improvement, ensuring alignment with best practices in open-access publishing and serving the evolving needs of the scholarly community.